Monday, June 04, 2012

Mr. Five Fingers

Tonight, Johnathan and I ventured to Rock Creek Park for a bit of exercise. We were almost to the quarter mile marker before I realized that my husband was wearing a brand new pair of Vibram Five Fingers running shoes. If you have never seen this odd kind of footwear, just imagine toe socks...but shoes. I slowed to a walk and watched as my compression shirted, froggy footed spouse kept pushing toward the next marker. My non-athletic helpmate has suddenly become Mr. Fitness. It's nice to have some motivation. After all, I can't let him get fit without me! While jogging, I glimpsed bright red clusters of unripe blackberries and a tall, curious swamp rabbit. Fragrant honeysuckle lined the path, and even while gasping for breath, I was acutely aware of the wonders of God's creation. In that moment, I realized that I am made for so much more. How can I expect God to use me fully and completely when I am not doing my part to live up to my potential? As dusk approached, birds everywhere seemed to be singing the world to sleep. Surrounded by relative peace (broken only by raucous shouts from the ball field), we walked and talked our way back to the car. Every muscle in my body is protesting my efforts over the last two days, but I feel like it's going to be worth it. Step one on what I hope will be a long, productive journey...physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

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