Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Resolutions for a New Year

It’s the time of year for resolutions, and most of mine involve treating myself a little bit better both physically and emotionally.

1) I want to make an honest effort to start exercising in short bursts every day.
2) I intend to start eating healthier…even if it means cooking vegetables that I have to eat by myself. I’m disgusted every time I feel weighed down by the overly processed junk that has become the easy way out in the kitchen.
3) I desperately need to ensure that I get at least 7 hours of sleep every night…especially on work nights.
4) I need to get back in church, which is something that we’ve let slide since Ava was born. Three are infinitely harder than two!
5) I want to start acting on some of my mental goals, which include (but are not limited to) learning Spanish, super organizing my house, learning guitar the right way, and diving back into music in general. I would also love to seriously pursue the idea of writing…even if I only write for myself.

The theory is that both my work and home life will benefit from these adjustments. Life is short. I don’t want to spend all of it waiting for a moment that is never going to arrive. I’m pretty sure I have to start making moments if I ever want them to happen. Here’s to making them happen in 2010.

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