Thursday, September 18, 2008

Immigrant song

When I don't know what to write, I sometimes turn to current news stories for inspiration. The latest headline to catch my attention deals with illegal immigrants in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike.

Undocumented workers are largely responsible for helping clean debris and repair damage in the wake of storms like Ike and Katrina. Controversy comes into play when they are used and paid accordingly for labor, but unable to receive assistance themselves. Most of them are afraid to request assistance for fear of being arrested and deported, yet many illegal immigrants from Galveston to Houston are facing the same hardships as U.S. citizens.

Are illegal immigrants a needed labor source, or a drain on the American system?

Supporters feel that illegal workers need more support during troubled times. Those in opposition feel that immigrants shouldn't be here in the first place and certainly don't deserve federal aid. Clean up jobs should be given to unemployed Americans first.

I agree most with the side of opposition, but feel that the issue is too broad to think that one mandate applies for all.

Most illegal immigration occurs when individuals cross the borders without authorization. Others overstay their visas. I can understand the economic incentive to work in America. In fact, I feel that America has a large hand in encouraging the entry of illegal immigrants. We thrive off of cheap labor and dangle dineros in front of poverty stricken people.

Having acknowledged this, I feel that an individual should do everything in his or her power to secure an immigration visa or citizenship. If they do not meet eligibility requirements, I feel that they should keep trying even while staying here illegally. During this time, I do not feel that individuals should receive government services unless they are paying taxes. I am wholly against individuals (legal or illegal) leeching off of taxpayer dollars. If an individual does not meet requirements and is dead weight on the American government, they should be prepared to face deportation. If an individual meets certain requirements and pays taxes, however, I don't mind letting them stay. Studies show that most illegal immigrants will only stay for a period of time before returning to their country of origin, anyway.

I think that the issue is much deeper and much more complicated than the two sides presented in today’s article.

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